Suggestions: Liszt: Complete Piano Music: Harmonies poetiques et religiuses

Items related to Liszt: Complete Piano Music: Harmonies poetiques et religiuses

Since you are interested in Liszt: Complete Piano Music: Harmonies poetiques et religiuses, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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Complete Piano Music: Arabesques cover
add to cart $20.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Complete Piano Music: Arabesques
Leslie Howard (piano)
[ Hyperion Complete Liszt Edition Vol 35 / CD - released 1/Feb/2011 ]
"I constantly admired his near orchestral range of sonority - his strength in grandiloquence and his hypnotic sustaining power in intimacy. Everything is played with total conviction" (Gramophone)
Complete Piano Music: Fantasies, paraphrases and transcriptions of National Songs and Anthems cover
add to cart $20.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Complete Piano Music: Fantasies, paraphrases and transcriptions of National Songs and Anthems
Leslie Howard (piano)
[ Hyperion Complete Liszt Edition Vol 27 / CD - released 1/Feb/2011 ]
"An entertaining programme ... providing the perfect vehicle for Leslie Howard's enthusiastic, colourful playing. His scholarship, as revealed in the liner notes, is remarkable, the recording first class" (CD Review)