Suggestions: Music for Two Pianos

Items related to Music for Two Pianos

Since you are interested in Music for Two Pianos, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Elgar: Three Movements for Piano Trio [arr Rooke] (with chamber works by Maddison & Bridge) cover
add to cart $30.00 Low Stock
MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Elgar: Three Movements for Piano Trio [arr Rooke] (with chamber works by Maddison & Bridge)
The Fibonacci Sequence: Benjamin Nabarro (violin) Benjamin Hughes (cello) Kathron Sturrock (piano) Helen Paterson (violin) Louise Williams (viola)
[ Dutton Epoch / CD - released 20/Mar/2009 ]
"The biggest revelation… may be the 1916 Piano Quintet by Adela Maddison (1862? - 1929). French influences are patent, but this is overall a captivating work with a gorgeous slow movement and vivacious scherzo and finale." BBC Music
MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Arnell: Chamber Works (Incls 'String Quintet op.60') cover
add to cart $30.00 Low Stock
MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Arnell: Chamber Works (Incls 'String Quintet op.60')
Locrian Ensemble
[ Dutton Epoch / CD - released 10/May/2008 ]
"The recording is excellent. Here then is another CD to restore to us yet one more generation of British composers which have been recently eclipsed by the avant garde." *** The Penguin Guide
Bainton/Clifford: String Quartets cover
add to cart $32.00 Low Stock
Bainton/Clifford: String Quartets
The Locrian Ensemble
[ Dutton Epoch / CD - released 25/Apr/2006 ]
"Listening 'blind' to Bainton's 1915 A major Quartet, I was struck by its distinctly continental flavour… It's a most engaging discovery, beautifully imagined for the medium… and full of lovely ideas." Gramophone