La Mer / Prelude a l'apras-midi d'un faune / Jeux, Khamma

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La Mer / Prelude a l'apras-midi d'un faune / Jeux, Khamma
L'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Ernest Ansermet

[ Decca Legends / CD ]

Release Date: Tuesday 26 February 2002

Ansermet was the most important conductor from Decca's early years

Ernest Ansermet was not only the most important conductor from Decca's early years but also one of the leading interpreters of French repertoire. Therefore it was only a matter of time to present a suitable item in the Legends series to prove both points.

After suitably opening with Debussy's masterpiece, Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, we find the breathtaking performances of La Mer, Jeux and Khamma respectively. The last-named is presented here for the very first time on CD!

It was the strength of Ansermet and his Swiss Orchestra to bring out the poetic content of musical works, and that is exactly how Debussy's music needs to be handled.


1 Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune

La Mer
2 I From dawn till noon on the sea
3 II Play of the waves
4 III Dialogue of the wind and the sea

5 Jeux (Poème dansé)

6 Khamma (orch. Charles Koechlin)