Masses 'Paukenmesse' / Incidental music to 'Alfred, Kanig der Angels / Te Deum

Masses 'Paukenmesse' / Incidental music to 'Alfred, Kanig der Angels / Te Deum cover $28.00 Out of Stock
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Masses 'Paukenmesse' / Incidental music to 'Alfred, Kanig der Angels / Te Deum
Nancy Argenta, Catherine Denley, Collegium Musicum 90, Richard Hickox

[ Chandos / CD ]

Release Date: Thursday 1 October 1998

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The Chandos Mass Edition continues

Richard Hickox is one of Britain's leading conductors, recipient of the 1995 Philharmonic Society Music Award, three Gramophone Awards, the Diapason d'Or, the Deutsche Schalplattenpreis and a Grammy (for Britten's Peter Grimes). He is founder and Music Director of the City of London Sinfonia and (with Simon Standage) of Collegium Musicum 90, Associate Conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra and Conductor Emeritus of the Northern Sinfonia.

Operatic engagements have included Los Angeles Opera, Rome Opera, Komische Oper Berlin, Royal Opera Covent Garden, Scottish Opera, Opera North and English National Opera. He has guest conducted in Washington, San Francisco, Dallas, Tokyo (New Japan Philharmonic), and the radio orchestras of Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Paris (Orchestre philharmonique), the Berlin Symphony, Residentie Orchestra The Hague, and the Camerata Academica Salzburg at the Vienna Easter Festival.

Richard Hickox records exclusively for Chandos, for whom he celebrated his one hundredth recording in 1997. Future plans include works by Grainger, Rubbra, Bruch, Vaughan Williams, Haydn, Delius and Schmidt.


1 Te Deum (Hob. XXIIIc:1) 6:50
in C major - C-Dur - ut majeur

'Paukenmesse' (Hob.XXII:9) 38:44
Missa in tempore belli
in C major - C-Dur - ut majeur
2 I Kyrie 4:45
3 II Gloria: 'Gloria in excelsis Deo' - 2:41
4 'Qui tollis peccata mundi' - 5:29
5 'Quoniam tu solus sanctus' 2:19
6 III Credo: 'Credo in unum Deum' - 1:11
7 'Et incarnatus est' - 4:10
8 'Et resurrexit' 4:25
9 IV Sanctus 2:10
10 V Benedictus 5:45
11 Agnus Dei: 'Agnus Dei' - 2:45
12 'Dona nobis pacem' 2:38

Incidental music to 'Alfred, König der Angelsachsen' 9:27
13 Aria des Schutzgeistes (Hob. XXX:5a) 6:09
(The Guardian Spirit's Aria)
14 Chor der Dänen (Hob. XXX:5b) 3:12
(Chorus of the Danes)
Te Deum (Hob. XXIIIc:2) 8:20
in C major - C-Dur - ut majeur