Abide With Me And Other Favourite Hymns

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Abide With Me And Other Favourite Hymns
Marlowe Brass Ensemble / The Choir Of St George'S Chapel Windsor Castle / Tim Byram-Wigfield

[ Naxos / CD ]

Release Date: Saturday 29 September 2007

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Vernacular hymns, etymologically songs of praise, are a particular feature of the worship of the Protestant Reformation, assuming various forms over the centuries, as Christian beliefs and practices have undergone changes. The German hymns of Martin Luther, chorales, some derived both in text and melody from earlier Catholic Latin hymns, came to form an idiosyncratic and essential element in Lutheran worship, while extremer Reformers, following Calvin in Geneva, favoured versions of the Psalms, the pattern adopted in the Sternhold and Hopkins English metrical Psalter of 1562, which included 65 melodies from the Genevan Psalter.

Succeeding generations brought additions to the repertoire of popular hymns, enjoying varied success. George Wither, in 1623, managed to ensure that his The Hymnes and Songs of the Church, a collection to which Orlando Gibbons contributed, should be bound together with all copies of the metrical psalms, but his attempts, with his own feeble verses, were frustrated by the Stationers' Company, which had its own monopoly to protect. Collections of hymns were published later in the seventeenth century by Playford, and in 1700 came Tate and Brady's Supplement to the New Version of the Psalms, a compilation that included a small number of hymns. Nahum Tate, the librettist of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas and poet laureate, survives as a hymnodist in his While shepherds watched, and with Nicholas Brady in As pants the hart, Through all the changing scenes of life, and Have mercy, Lord, on me.


All people that on earth do dwell
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
King of glory, King of peace
Ye watchers and ye holy ones
Let all mortal flesh keep silent
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
All my hope on God is founded
The Lord's my shepherd
Tell out, my soul
Christ is made the sure foundation
Come down, O Love divine
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
And did those feet in ancient time (Jerusalem)
Abide with me
Alleluya, sing to Jesus!

and much more