A Secret Labyrinth: A Celebration of Music from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

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A Secret Labyrinth: A Celebration of Music from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Huelgas Ensemble / Paul Van Nevel

[ SONY / 15 CD Box Set ]

Release Date: Tuesday 20 October 2009

MARBECKS STAFF PICK: REISSUE CD OF THE YEAR 2009 - Featuring their famous and now deleted recordings of "Spem in Alium" and the so-called "Earthquake" mass by Antoine Brumel, this 15 CDs boxset includes some of the most prestigious recordings available on the Sony Classical VIVARTE label.


Featuring the Huelgas Ensemble's famous and now deleted recording of the so-called "Earthquake" mass by Antoine Brumel, this 15 CDs boxset includes some of the most prestigious recordings available on the Sony Classical VIVARTE label and sheds light on this long-forgotten music that too often seems to lie in dark corners of European archives and libraries.

Paul van Nevel, choirmaster, musicologist, and cultural historian founded the Huelgas Ensemble in the early 1970's at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. The Ensemble has emerged as one of Europe's main vocal ensembles dedicated to the performance of music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Van Nevel has won a number of prestigious awards for his recordings with the Huelgas Ensemble. Their recording of the music of Renaissance composer Mattheus Pipelare, Pipelare: Missa "L'homme armé" , won the 1998 Cannes Classical Award for Best Choral Music, in addition to the Diapason d'or in 1996. Previous albums, including their critically acclaimed Utopia Triumphans, have accumulated similar accolades. Van Nevel has also been awarded the "Prix In Honorem" from the Académie Charles Cros in Paris.


CD 1 Codex Las Huelgas - Music from 13th Century Spain
CD 2 Febus Avant! ,Music at the Court of Gaston Febus (1331-1391)
CD 3 Music from the Court of King Janus at Nicosia (1374-1432)
CD 4 Utopia Triumphans - Tallis, Striggio and other renaissance choral works
CD 5 Alexander Agricola - A Secret Labyrinth
CD 6 Matthaeus - Missa "L'homme armé", Chansons, Motets
CD 7 Antoine Brumel - Missa "Et ecce terrae motus", Sequentia "Dies irae"
CD 8 Mateo Flecha el Viejo (1481-1553) - Las Ensaladas
CD 9 Costanzo Festa (c.1490-1545) - Magnificat, Mass parts, Motets, Madrigals
CD 10 Nicolas Gombert (c.1500-c.1557) - Music from the Court of Charles V
CD 11 Pierre de Manchicourt (c.1510-1564) - Missa "Veni Sancte Spiritus", Motets, Chansons
CD 12 Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) - Lagrime di San Pietro
CD 13 Jacobus Gallus (1550-1591) - Opus musicum, Missa super "Sancta Maria"
CD 14 Cancoes, Vilancicos - e Motetes Portugueses , Séculos XVI-XVII
CD 15 Joao Lourenco Rebelo (1610-1661) Lamentations for Maundy Thursday, Vesper Psalms