Fashion Nugget

Fashion Nugget cover $26.99 Special Order
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Fashion Nugget

[ Volcano Records / CD ]

Release Date: Tuesday 17 September 1996

This item is only available to us via Special Order. We should be able to get it to you in 3 - 6 weeks from when you order it.

American imported disc.


1. Frank Sinatra - 4:01
2. The Distance - 3:00
3. Friend Is a Four Letter Word - 3:22
4. Open Book - 3:44
5. Daria - 3:44
6. Race Car Ya-Yas - 1:21
7. I Will Survive - 5:10
8. Stickshifts and Safetybelts - 2:09
9. Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - 2:24
10. It's Coming Down - 3:44
11. Nugget - 3:58
12. She'll Come Back to Me - 2:24
13. Italian Leather Sofa - 5:52
14. Sad Songs and Waltzes - 3:15