Madrigali e Canzonette

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Madrigali e Canzonette
Maria Cristina Kiehr (soprano) / Concerto Soave, Jean-Marc Aymes

[ Harmonia Mundi Musique d'abord / CD ]

Release Date: Monday 10 February 2014

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These madrigals for solo voice, selected from around a hundred works d'India wrote in this genre, provoked some dazzling reviews, back in 2003.

"interspersed with instrumental pieces by D'India's contemporaries, Trabaci, Mayone and De Macque, this selection, made by the soprano Maria Cristina Kiehr, shows the musical variety and expressive range of the composer's work. Whether in strophic arias, simple canzonettas or elaborate madrigals, Kiehr's singing is effortlessly lush and nicely emotionally understated." Andrew Clements, The Guardian, 7 February 2003

"Maria Cristina Kiehr is clearly inspired by the musical invention here. Her voice is deceptive, at once cuttingly clean, yet subtly responsive to every emotional nuance." George Pratt, BBC Music Magazine, March 2003

"All the pieces in this first-class selection from his five books of solo songs are of the highest quality......Maria Cristina Kiehr rises superbly to all its technical and expressive challenges, from bitter vituperation and wild despair to the chill of approaching death." Elizabeth Roche, The Daily Telegraph, 1 March 2003

"With the Concerto Soave under Jean-Marc Aymes, the Argentinian-born soprano Maria Cristina Kiehr proves herself a true mistress of the genre." Anthony Holden, The Observer, 2 March 2003