Verdelot: Madrigals for a Tudor King

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Verdelot: Madrigals for a Tudor King
Clare Wilkinson, Robert MacDonald & Lynda Sayce / Alamire / David Skinner

[ Obsidian Records / CD ]

Release Date: Monday 20 April 2009

"Alamire are on fine form here, alternating several performance possibilities, as on their recent recording of Josquin for this label: solo lute, lute and voice, lute and vocal consort, or consort on its own. " Gramophone Magazine, June 2008

Philippe Verdelot was the most important composer of Italian madrigals in the early 16th century and recognized as the greatest innovator of the genre. A Frenchman, he occupied several important musical posts in Italy, including the Florentine posts of maestro di cappella at the Baptistry of S. Maria del Fiore and the great Duomo itself. In the mid 1520s, during his time in Florence, a set of part-books were assembled, probably under Verdelot's supervision, for the court of Henry VIII. Most, if not all, of the works were composed by Verdelot. This is the first recording of the complete madrigals in the collection, which stands not only as the most exceptional of diplomatic musical gifts but is also an important source for the history of the early madrigal.


Italia mia bench' el parlar'
Con l'angelico riso
Quanto sia lieto il giorno
Lasso che se creduto
O dolce nocte
Madonna qual certeca
Afflicti spirti mei. Dentr' al mio cor'
Quando nascesti Amore?
Piove da li occhi
Pur troppo donna
I vostri acuti dardi
Chi non fa prove amore
Liet' e madonna et io pur
Con lacrim' et sospir' negando porge
Donna se fera stella
Ognun si duo' d'amore
Altro none el mio amor'
Madonna io v' amo e taccio
Si suave e l'inghanno
Se ben' li occhi
Cortese alma gentile
Quanta dolceca amore
Donna che sete fra le donne belle
La bella donna
Deh quant' e dolc' amor
Donna leggiadr' et bella
Madonna per voi ardo
Amor io sento l'alma
Ultimi mei sospiri