Handel Arias

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Handel Arias
Karina Gauvin (soprano) / Tempo Rubato / Alexander Weiman

[ Atma / CD ]

Release Date: Thursday 10 September 2009

"Her glinting soprano, bright-edged yet deliciously rounded and sensual, is used with rare understanding for character……The highlight is the Queen of Sheba's Will the Sun Forget to Streak, fabulously sung……." Sunday Times, 1st February 2009

"Flautist Grégoire Jeay's obbligato in 'Sweet bird that shun'st the noise of folly' (L'Allegro) is delectable, while Gauvin's impeccable coloratura and sharp-sweet-creamy raspberry ripple soprano fit this aria like a designer glove." BBC Music Magazine, July 2009 *****


Arias and Scenes from Semele, Messiah, Samson & Jephta