Das Berliner Requiem (with works by Hindemith, Stravinsky & Milhaud)

Das Berliner Requiem (with works by Hindemith, Stravinsky & Milhaud) cover $33.30 Out of Stock
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Das Berliner Requiem (with works by Hindemith, Stravinsky & Milhaud)
Hilde Venken (sop) Ivan Goossens (ten) Jacob Bloch Jespersen (bass) / I Solisti del Vento / Flemish Radio Choir / Paul Hillier

[ Glossa SACD / Hybrid SACD ]

Release Date: Sunday 20 June 2010

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"The performance [of Stravinsky's Octet] here is beautifully executed with a delightful and exuberant finale." BBC Music Magazine, June 2010 ****

After Jean Cocteau issued tracts such as Le Coq et l'Arlequin (1918) and Le Rappel à l'ordre (1926), arguing against French Impressionism and German Romanticism and in favour of art for art's sake and with prominence being given to accessibility, simplicity and structural clarity, many composers responded to his clarion call. The devastation and emotional misery caused by the First World War and the fear of an impending further cataclysm also struck hard at existing artistic certainties. Through their music Igor Stravinsky, Paul Hindemith, Darius Milhaud and Kurt Weill all endeavoured to make sense of this 'new Europe' which they were experiencing around them. For its latest Glossa release the Flemish Radio Choir (VRK) has selected an ideal quintet of works to demonstrate these tendencies as well as highlighting the vocal talents of this leading European choral institution. Kurt Weill's 1928 secular mass for the dead, Das Berliner Requiem, represents the jewel in this crown, and the VRK is accompanied by I Solisti del Vento, who also offer Stravinsky's 1923 Octet for Wind Instruments. Both ensembles are performing here under the direction of Paul Hillier, one of the leading choral directors of today.


Der Tod

Cantate de la Guerre
Cantate de la Paix

Octet for Wind Instruments

Berliner Requiem
Vom Tod im Wald, Op. 23