Complete Works for Cello and Piano (3 CD set)

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Complete Works for Cello and Piano (3 CD set)
David Geringas (cello) & Ian Fountain (piano)

[ Hanssler / 3 CD ]

Release Date: Monday 10 October 2011

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"Both are superlative artists and in just accord,their interpretations wholly thought through and wholly communicated." Editor's Choice Gramophone Magazine, August 2011

"A pianist of finely tuned artistic sensibilities, [Fountain] leans into notes and plays into textures, his tonal palette encompassing a stark accent as easily as it does a graduated lyrical line. David Geringas is a master of line too, protean in his command of subtleties and nuances of expression. Both are superlative artists and in just accord,their interpretations wholly thought through and wholly communicated." Editor's Choice Gramophone Magazine, August 2011

"Geringas and Fountain seem totally committed to [the Duo Sonata], delivering a wonderfully elegant account that emphasises the music's strongly Mozartian features. Both players are equally enthralling in the Horn Sonata transcription, projecting a muscular view of the opening movement...There are some really outstanding performances throughout the rest of this beautifully recorded set...these three discs offer compelling and insightful musicianship" BBC Music Magazine, August 2011 ****


Cello Sonatas Nos. 1-5 (complete)
Variations (7) on "Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen", for Cello and Piano, WoO 46
Variations (12) on "Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen" for Cello and Piano, Op. 66
Variations (12) on "See the conquering hero comes" for Cello and Piano, WoO 45
Cello Sonata in F major, Op. 17 (transcribed by Beethoven from horn sonata)
Cello Sonata in E flat major, Op. 64