Welt, gute Nacht

Welt, gute Nacht cover $33.30 Out of Stock
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Welt, gute Nacht
Julia Doyle, Katharine Fuge, Clare Wilkinson, Jeremy Budd, James Gilchrist / The English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner

[ Soli Deo Gloria / CD ]

Release Date: Thursday 14 April 2011

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"Bach of any generation from Gardiner's eminently engaged and engaging forces is self-recommending; yet for its rarity value alone Welt, gute Nacht is as important a release as that of a B minor Mass or St Matthew Passion."
(BBC Music)

"It's as elegantly poised as you'd expect from Gardiner, with the eight singers accompanied in sombre period arrangements by the English Baroque Soloists, in which the violas da gamba seem to weep." (The Independent)

"His music has a less complex surface than the more familiar oeuvre of Johann Sebastian: it invites contemplation...With soloists of the calibre of Katherine Fuge and Peter Harvey, John Eliot Gardiner and his ensemble have uncovered a treasure trove. Their performances communicate not just skill, but delight in the world behind the music." (Financial Times)

"Bach of any generation from Gardiner's eminently engaged and engaging forces is self-recommending; yet for its rarity value alone Welt, gute Nacht is as important a release as that of a B minor Mass or St Matthew Passion."
(BBC Music)

"Nearly every piece has a singular gesture or feature that captures the imagination...The vocal soloists acquit themselves well in music that demands utter commitment, although just occasionally the very last degree of refinement and control eludes them...In a cappella formation, however, they offer some of the disc's most memorable moments" (Gramophone)


Cantata 'Herr, wende dich und sei mir gnädig'
Aria 'Mit Weinen hebt sichs an'
Wie bist du denn, O Gott
Motet 'Der Gerechte, ob er gleich zu zeitlich stirbt''
Ach, daß ich Wassers genug hätte
Fürchte dich nicht
Aria 'Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben'
Meine Freundin, du bist schön