The Voice [2 CD set]

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The Voice [2 CD set]
Philippe Jaroussky (counter-tenor) with various accompaniments

[ Virgin Classics / 2 CD ]

Release Date: Friday 2 November 2012

"THE VOICE" 2 CD Best of Philippe Jaroussky comprises 31 tracks chosen by the singer himself and six previously unreleased tracks of music by Handel and Purcell.

Philippe Jaroussky, described by Germany's Die Zeit as "the Apollo of countertenors', stands out among his many talented contemporaries as much for the soprano-like beauty of his tone as for the elegance and insight of his interpretations and his adventurous and erudite approach to repertoire - whether unearthing neglected scores by little-known composers or venturing beyond the Baroque into the 19th and 20th centuries.

Established as one of Virgin Classics' bestselling artists, Jaroussky, now aged 34, has been honoured three times in the Victoires de la Musique awards in his native France and has also received Germany's most prominent music prize, the Echo Klassik. His diverse achievements are saluted in two new collections on Virgin Classics - the 2CD set "The Voice" and the DVD and Blu Ray "La Voix des rêves: Greatest moments in Concert".

"THE VOICE" 2 CD Best of Philippe Jaroussky comprises 31 tracks chosen by the singer himself and six previously unreleased tracks of music by Handel and Purcell. Vivaldi takes pride of place on the album, but other composers include Caldara, Porpora and JC Bach and, from later eras, Fauré, Reynaldo Hahn and even Argentina's King of Tango, Ástor Piazzolla.


CD 1
Porpora : Polifemo
1 Alto Giove 4.30
Concerto Köln • Emmanuelle Haïm
New recording

Vivaldi : Tito Manlio
2 Frà le procelle 4.45
Ensemble Matheus • Jean-Christophe Spinosi
From the album Vivaldi Heroes

Handel : Ariodante
3 Scherza infida 9.29
Le Concert d'Astrée • Emmanuelle Haïm
From the album Carestini, the story of a castrato

Vivaldi : Ercole sul Termondonte
4 Sento con qual diletto 3.35
Europa Galante • Fabio Biondi
From the opera Ercole sul Termondonte

Porpora : Siface
5 Tu che d'ardire m'accendi 3.24
Le Concert d'Astrée • Emmanuelle Haïm
From the album Carestini, the story of a castrato

Vivaldi : Pianti, Sospiri, e dimandar mercede, cantate RV 676
6 Cor ingrato dispietato 3.23
Ensemble Artaserse
From the album Vivaldi Virtuoso Cantatas

J.C. Bach : Air de concert Ebben si vada... lo ti lascio
7 Rondo : lo ti lascio 3.17
Le Cercle de l'Harmonie • Jérémie Rhorer
From the album La dolce fiamma

Bassani : In Caligine umbrosa
8 Ardendo sospiro... Jam gratae memoriae 5.23
Ensemble La Fenice • Jean Tubéry
From the album Un Concert pour Mazarin

9 Anonyme : Ninna nanna alla Napoletana 4.40
L'Arpeggiata • Christina Pluhar
From the album Via Crucis

10 Hahn : A Chloris 3.03
11 Chaminade : Sombrero 1.35
12 Lekeu : Sur une tombe 4.00
Jérôme Ducros piano
From the album Opium

13 Piazzolla : Los pájaros perdidos 3.45
L'Arpeggiata • Christina Pluhar
From the album Los Pájaros perdidos

Fauré : Requiem
14 Pie Jesu 3.38
Orchestre de Paris • Paavo Järvi
From the album Fauré Requiem

Rossi : Orfeo
15 Lasciate Averno 6.06
L'Arpeggiata • Christina Pluhar
New recording

CD 2
Handel : Serse
1 Frondi tenere... Ombra mai fu 3.00 env.
I Barrochisti • Diego Fasolis

Vivaldi : Giustino
2 Vedro con mio diletto 5.11
Ensemble Matheus • Jean-Christophe Spinosi
From the album Vivaldi Heroes

Handel : Rinaldo
3 Venti turbini 4.00 env.
I Barrochisti • Diego Fasolis
New recording

4 Bononcini : Ch'i d'amor tra le catene 3.24
Max Emanuel Cencic contre-ténor • Les Arts Florissants • William Christie
From the album Duetti

Caldara : Temistocle
5 Non tremar vassallo indegno 3.26
Concerto Köln • Emannuelle Haïm
From the album Caldara in Vienna

Vivaldi : L'Olimpiade
6 Mentre dormi 7.43
Ensemble Matheus • Jean-Christophe Spinosi
From the album Vivaldi Heroes

Handel : Alcina
7 Mi Lusinga 6.46
Le Concert d'Astrée • Emmanuelle Haïm
From the album Carestini, the story of a castrato

Caldara : Adriano in Siria
8 Tutti nemeci e rei 4.50
Concerto Köln • Emannuelle Haïm
From the album Caldara in Vienna

Vivaldi : Tieteberga
9 Sento in seno ch'in pioggia di lagrime 4.06
Ensemble Matheus • Jean-Christophe Spinosi
From the album Vivaldi Heroes

10 Purcell : Music for a while 3.30 env.
I Barrochisti • Diego Fasolis
New recording

J. C.Bach : Orfeo ed Euridice
11 La legge accetto 5.10
Le Cercle de l'Harmonie • Jérémie Rhorer
From the album La dolce fiamma

J.C. Bach : Air de concert Sentimi non partir... Al mio bene
12 Rondo : Al mio bene 4.07
From the album La dolce fiamma

13 Monteverdi : Laudate Dominum 3.30
L'Arpeggiata • Christina Pluhar
New recording

Sances : Stabat Mater
14 O quam tristis 2.55
Ensemble Artaserse
From the album Stabat Mater

15 Mattioli : Ave Regina coelorum 2.57
Ensemble Artaserse
From the album Stabat Mater

16 Monteverdi : L'incoronazione di Poppea
Pur ti miro 4.11
Nuria Rial soprano • L'Arpeggiata • Christina Pluhar
From the album Teatro d'amore