Triple Concerto

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Triple Concerto
Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali, Damian Iorio

[ Naxos / CD ]

Release Date: Tuesday 14 January 2014

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Both Alfredo Casella and Giorgio Federico Ghedini are featured in ongoing Naxos series of orchestral works, but this is the first release to couple the two of them. The pieces have much in common - not least, both are concertos using the rare combination of piano trio and orchestra, pioneered by Beethoven - but they are also beautifully contrasted.

Casella wrote his Triple Concerto for his own Trio Italiano, who performed it five hundred times on three continents in less than a decade. Ghedini's Concerto dell'albatro adds the voice of a narrator to the piano trio and orchestra, evoking, in words from Herman Melville's sea story Moby-Dick, a remarkable encounter with an Antarctic albatross.

"Ghedini's colours are so tastefully blended and applied that I found myself listening for a second time, and a third...Casella fans will want this concerto; the Ghedini is a real bonus, though." (MusicWeb International, Jan 2014)

"a pair of radically different mid-century triple concertos...I Pomeriggi Musicali's fine live performances are scrupulously conducted by Damian Iorio... Violinist Paolo Ghidoni and cellist Pietro Bosna adopt a lyrical approach, in contrast to the more overtly virtuosic playing from pianist Emanuela Piemonti." (The Guardian, Nov 2013)


Triple Concerto, Op. 56
Emanuela Piemonti (piano), Paolo Ghidoni (violin) & Pietro Bosna (cello)

Concerto dell'albatro (1943)
Carlo Doglioni Majer (speaker)