The Triumph of Time and Truth

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The Triumph of Time and Truth
Sophie Bevan, Mary Bevan (sopranos), Tim Mead (countertenor), Ed Lyon (tenor), William Berger (bass) / Ludus Baroque, Richard Neville-Towle

[ Delphian / 2 CD ]

Release Date: Monday 20 October 2014

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In their third disc for Delphian, Ludus Baroque and five stellar soloists bring to life Handel's rarely heard final oratorio, a remarkable Protestant re-casting of a work written 50 years earlier to a text by the young composer's Roman patron Cardinal Pamphili. Compelled by Time and Truth to accept the divine order of change and decay, Beauty ultimately gives way - as with the aging composer himself - to an assertion of redemption by good works, reflected in the incorporation of choruses Handel had written for the Foundling Hospital.

The resulting work, neglected by centuries of scholarship on account of its hybrid origins, here proves an extraordinary feast of riches, and the ideal vehicle for Richard Neville-Towle's carefully assembled cast of exceptional soloists, vigorous, intelligent chorus and an orchestra made up from some of the UK's leading period instrumentalists. Formed in 1998 under the direction of Richard Neville-Towle, this 'crack group of British early musickers' (The New York Times) prides itself on the exuberance and energy of its performances, specialising in great works of the early music repertoire. With sisters Mary and Sophie Bevan (the latter having just been shortlisted for an RPS award) jousting with one another in the roles of Deceit and Beauty, these discs make for revelatory listening.

"finely shaped, unflamboyant conducting from Neville-Towle, gracious playing and some very fine singing. Sophie Bevan plays Beauty in what is arguably her finest recording to date. Her sister Mary as Deceit sounds at once seductive and cunning, while Ed Lyon is all elegant bravado and swagger as Pleasure." (Guardian)

"The small orchestra playing is stylish and characterful...Excellent, spirited singing from both choir and soloists throughout - Ludus Baroque's most valuable Handel recording so far confirms that this unclassifiable, peculiar work is well worth revisiting." (Editor's Choice Gramophone August 2014)

"Both Bevans sing with lustrous tone, natural agility and exquisite decorations, Lyon and William Berger (Time) with taut elegance and Tim Mead (Counsel) with immaculate poise. Though Neville-Towle's tempos sometimes waver, this is a performance of great warmth." (BBC Music)

"Neville-Towle's chorus enters with great flair, sense of excitement and forward propulsion in Time is Supreme. Sophie Bevan (soprano), as Beauty sings with a lovely tone and she captures the mood admirably in Faithful mirror, fair-reflecting. She is more than a match for Gillian Fisher for Darlow, and although their performances are so different, they are equally convincing." (MusicWeb Oct 2014)