Music for Organ and Harpsichord

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Music for Organ and Harpsichord
Riccardo Castagnetti (organ & harpsichord)

[ Brilliant Classics / CD ]

Release Date: Thursday 20 August 2015

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Michelangelo Rossi lived from 1601 till 1656, and held during his life several important posts as court composer and musician (Rome, Modena).

Rossi's "Toccate e correnti d'intavolaturad'organo e cimbalo" is his only published work, an important opus in the Italian keyboard tradition of Frescobaldi and others. In his work Rossi was influenced by the great madrigal composers Sigismondod'India and notably Gesualdo. The latter's style may be traced in Rossi's unexpected harmonic turns, expressive chromatism and abrupt changes of texture and mood. Riccardo Castagnetti, a noted scholar and musician, plays on the 1565 Antegnati organ of the Basilica of Santa Barbara in Mantua, and on a Vanini harpsichord, a copy after a Grimaldi of 1697.

World premiere!


I. Toccata Prima
II. Corrente Prima
III. Toccata Seconda
IV. Corrente Seconda
V. Toccata Terza
VI. Corrente Terza
VII. Toccata Quarta
VIII. Corrente Quarta
IX. Toccata Quinta
X. Corrente Quinta
XI. Toccata Sesta
XII. Corrente Sesta
XIII. Toccata Settima
XIV. Corrente Settima
XV. Toccata Ottava
XVI. Corrente Ottava
XVII. Toccata Nona
XVIII. Corrente Nona
XIX. Toccata Decima
XX. Corrente Decima
XXI. Corrente Sesta
XXII. occata Quarta

Check out some excerpts here: