Ray Donovan - Season 3

Ray Donovan - Season 3 cover
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Ray Donovan - Season 3 

[ Paramount / 4 Blu-ray Disc ]

Release Date: Wednesday 15 June 2016

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Rated: R16 - Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993R16 Sex scenes, violence, drug use, offensive language & nudity

In Season 3 of Ray Donovan, even Ray's (Liev Schreiber) actions have consequences and he soon learns that clean slates are a dirty business. Ray has taken some hits that would leave lesser men down for the count, but what doesn't kill a Donovan only makes him stronger. One thing's for sure, whether you're with him or against him -- it may be a new day, but it's the same Ray.

Watch the trailer for Season 3 via Youtube