Complete Mandolin Sonatas

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Complete Mandolin Sonatas
Pizzicar Galante: Anna Schivazappa (baroque mandolin), Fabio Antonio Falcone (harpsichord)

[ Brilliant Classics / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 5 August 2016

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This new recording presents the first printed edition of sonatas for the mandolin and basso continuo published in the first half of the 18th century, featuring Italian composers Roberto Valentini and Pietro Boni.

Robert Valentini (1674‐1747) left his home and birthplace in the English Midlands in his early twenties for a "Grand Tour", never to return. He finally settled in Rome as Roberto Valentini, where he became a successful composer and musician, playing the flute and oboe. His enormous output mainly consists of chamber music for the flute and b.c. In the score he left the choice of the solo instrument open for either violin, flute or…mandolin.

The mandolin used in this recording is a 6 double course "Mandolino Lombardo", inspired by an instrument by Antonio Monzino (Milan 1792).

The ensemble Pizzicar Galante has already established itself as one of the most dynamic period ensembles specializing in galant music for mandolin and basso continuo and is regularly invited to festivals all over Europe
and abroad.


Sonata in D Op.12 No.6
Sonata in G Op.12 No.3
Sonata in G minor Op.12 No.4
Sonata in A Op.12 No.1
Sonata in D minor Op.12 No.2
Sonata in E minor Op.12

Sonata in D minor Op.2 No.2
Sonata in D Op.2 No.9
Sonata in A Op.2 No.1