Merulo: Motets

Merulo: Motets cover $18.00 Out of Stock
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Merulo: Motets
Modus Ensemble, Mauro Marchetti, with Federico Tollis (organ)

[ Brilliant Classics / CD ]

Release Date: Thursday 14 July 2016

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Claudio Merulo (1533‐1604) held the prestigious post of first organist of the San Marco in Venice. Although he was a key figure in the development of keyboard music he also wrote a large number of vocal works of great importance: masses, motets and madrigals.

Merulo's Motets, though standing in the tradition of the High Renaissance, reveal an innovative form and linguistic freedom. In his 5‐part Motets for single choir the initial imitative counterpoints develops into antiphonal sections and ritornello passages that anticipate the "concertato" style of the emerging Baroque period.

The Italian Modus Ensemble, conducted by Mauro Marchetti, is accompanied by viola da gamba, violone, theorbo and organ.

The complete sung texts in the original language are included in the booklet.


1. Salvator noster, dilectissimi [3.38]
2. Stephanus autem plenus gratia [2.33]
3. Maximum hoc omnium [2.55]
4. Innocentes pro Christo [2.14]
5. O admirabile commercium [2.43]
6. Tribes miraculis ornatum diem [2.03]
7. Bonum certamen certavi [2.21]
8. Hodie beata Virgo Maria [1.38]
9. Ave Maria [2.17]
10. Haec est dies [2.06]
11. Sancti et justi [1.52]
12. Cumque beatissimus Marcus Evangelista [2.14]
13. Ascendens Christus in alium [1.51]
14. Hodie Spiritus Sanctus [1.58]
15. O Adorando Trinitas [2.23]
16. Ego sum panis vivus [2.10]
17. Puer qui natus est [1.50]
18. Tu es Petrus [2.12]
19. Beata Elisabeth [1.55]
20. Maria unxit pedes Jesu [2.16]

Listen to the recording here: