Barber: Choral Music

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Barber: Choral Music
Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir, Paul Spicer

[ Somm / CD ]

Release Date: Tuesday 1 September 2015

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This fourth disc in SOMM's series of recordings with Paul Spicer and his Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir gives us most of Barber's utterly beautiful, neo-Romantic choral music. Barber wrote a great deal of choral music written in a traditional nineteenth-century tonal idiom, despite the fact that his critics called it 'utterly anachronistic and passé', a criticism to which he remained largely impervious. There was no denying however, that his technical brilliance and emotional immediacy placed him at the forefront of American music.

Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir
Paul Spicer, Director with Ben Kennedy piano, Matthew Firkins timpani and Birmingham Conservatoire Brass Ensemble

"In the hands of Paul Spicer, Howell's music acquires an enhanced richness and insight into the phrasing of the composer's long, contrapuntal lines. A lovely disc." Gramophone (SOMMCD 0140), Choral Music by Herbert Howells