Sous l'Empire d'Amour: French Songs for Mezzo-Soprano and Lute

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Sous l'Empire d'Amour: French Songs for Mezzo-Soprano and Lute
Marie-Claude Chappuis (mezzo), Luca Pianca (lute)

[ Deutsche Harmonia Mundi / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 4 August 2017

Featuring exquisite and rarely performed 17th-century French songs for mezzo-soprano and lute.

The first half of the seventeenth century marked the heyday of the air de cour at the French court. This was a monophonic lute-accompanied song that was generally on the subject of love. Sentimental songs of this kind soon found their way to other parts of Europe, including England, Germany and the Netherlands. With their exceptional programme, mezzo-soprano Marie-Claude Chappuis and lutenist Luca Pianca breathe new life into this courtly musical culture in all of its elegance and beauty, performing works by Jean-Baptiste Lully, Étienne Moulinié, Michel Lambert, Gabriel Bataille and others.

Recorded by famous Swiss/French sound engineer Jean-Daniel Noir in high resolution format


Ballard, R:
Diverses Pieces mises sur le luth

Ma bergere non legere
Un satyre cornu
Air à boire: Qui veut chasser une migraine

Pieces de luth

Boesset, A:
Ils s'en vont ces roys de ma vie

Lambert, M:
Goûtons un doux repos
Rochers, vous êtes sourds
Ma bergère est tendre et fidelle
Charmante nuit, hâtez votre retour
Ombre de mon amant

Repands, charmante nuit
Recit de la beaute
Plainte italienne

Air à boire : Amis enivrons-nous...

Richard, F:
Ruisseau qui cours apres toi-meme