Inspector Montalbano - Volume 1

Inspector Montalbano - Volume 1 cover
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Inspector Montalbano - Volume 1 

[ HiGloss DVD / 3 DVD ]

Release Date: Thursday 12 April 2018

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Rated: M - Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993M Violence, offensive language & sex scenes

Set in a fictitious Sicilian seaside town called Vigata, Inspector Montalbano is a series of feature length films based on the writings of Andrea Camilleri. Salvo Montalbano is a brilliant character who stands alone in the history of detective fiction. He's Sicilian, of course, but he's also a gourmand, prone to bouts of ill-temper, and rarely completes any investigation without enjoying a magnificent meal. Oh, did we tell you he's afraid of flying? He's a stylish dresser, and an instinctive detective of the highest level.