A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships

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The 1975
A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships

[ Polydor / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 30 November 2018

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The third album.

"The 1975 are a band for our times. After the overstuffed sprawl of 2016's I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It, a record that in spurts revealed Matt Healy's immense talent as a songwriter, A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships makes good on the band's promise. The first of two planned records in a six-month period, the album is a chaotic, scattered document of modern society that manages tremendous insight into a life lived online that sidesteps condescension or generalization. With ambition being an understatement, the band combines melodramatic power ballads, glitchy Auto-Tune, jazz crooners, and stadium-sized Britpop in a way that feels like a pointed response to the algorithmic flattening of modern pop. With a willingness to fail, and they occasionally do so throughout, the 1975 approach moments of profundity that are rare for a rock band in 2018." - Consequence of Sound (rating A-)


1. The 1975
2. Give Yourself A Try
4. How To Draw/Petrichor
5. Love It If We Made It
6. Be My Mistake
7. Sincerity Is Scary
8. I Like America & America Likes Me
9. The Man Who Married A Robot / Love Theme
10. Inside Your Mind
11. It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)
12. Surrounded By Heads And Bodies
13. Mine
14. I Couldn't Be More In Love
15. I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)

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