Lewandowski: 18 Liturgical Psalms

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Lewandowski: 18 Liturgical Psalms
Hungarian Radio Choir, Andor Izsák

[ Deutsche Grammophon / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 6 March 2020


LOUIS LEWANDOWSKI, conductor, choral director and organist at Berlin's Oranienburger Strasse synagogue, was a pioneer of modern Jewish liturgical music, whose reforms led to the creation of a new liturgy for Jewish synagogue services, a liturgy that combined classical Western music with traditional synagogue singing and restored an important role to organ music introducing a Romantic style influenced by Mendelssohn, whose family fostered Lewandowski's career.

This first complete recording of his 1879 masterwork is conducted by Andor Izsák, who encountered the historic psalm-singing tradition in his youth as organist at Budapest's Great Synagogue in the Dohány-utca. The performance uses Izsák's 1994 edition, based on the long-lost original manuscript.

Deutsche Grammophon is proud to present this world premiere recording and wishes to thank the Hungarian Government and Hungarian Radio Art Groups for their generous support.


Psalm 23 "Der Herr ist mein Hirte"
Psalm 25 "Deine Wege, Ewiger, mache mir kund"
Psalm 36 "Ewiger, an den Himmel reicht deine Huld"
Psalm 37 "Befiehl dem Ewigen deinen Weg"
Psalm 39 "Mache mir kund, Ewiger"
Psalm 42 / 43 "Wie ein Hirsch lechzet nach frischem Wasser"
Psalm 46 "Gott ist uns Zuflucht und Veste"
Psalm 51 "Ein reines Herz erschaffe mir"
Psalm 62 "Ganz in Gott ergeben, ist meine Seele"
Psalm 65 "Dir gebühret Lobgesang"
Psalm 67 "Gott sei uns gnädig und segne uns"
Psalm 84 "Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, Ewiger Zebaoth!"
Psalm 85 "Lass mich schauen, Ewiger"
Psalm 90 "Unsere Tage zählen, lehr' uns denn!"
Psalm 100 "Jubelt dem Ewigen"
Psalm 103 "Preise, meine Seele, den Ewigen, mein Innerstes seinen heiligen Namen!"
Psalm 121 "Ich erhebe meine Augen zu den Bergen"
Psalm 134 "Wohl an, wohl an, preiset den Ewigen"