Kerll: Complete Harpsichord and Organ Music; Matteo Messori

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Kerll: Complete Harpsichord and Organ Music; Matteo Messori
Matteo Messori (harpsichord, organ)

[ Brilliant Classics / 3 CD ]

Release Date: Friday 22 January 2021

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The first complete collection on record of the keyboard works by an organ virtuoso of 17th- century Austria and a notable forerunner of J.S. Bach.

The sacred vocal music of Johann Caspar Kerll (1627-1693) has attracted its fair share of attention, with recent recordings devoted to his Masses and the Requiem he composed in 1669 while still a court musician in his home city of Munich. However, during his lifetime Kerll was known above all as a superb
organist. Having composed a Mass for the coronation of Leopold I in 1658, he was furnished with the subject for an improvisation by none other than emperor himself, and Kerll's astonishing invention
became the stuff of legend, being recalled in 1740 by the theorist Johann Mattheson, in an age long before the testamentary value of recordings.

Kerll's original compositions retain the freshness and vitality of his performances, as later composers recognised. Handel adapted the entire fourth Canzona for the chorus 'Egypt was glad when they departed' in for Israel in Egypt and used part of the cheeky Capriccio Sopra il Cucu in the second
movement of an organ concerto. His masterpiece is the Modulatio organica, which contains some of the finest contrapuntal writing for organ before J.S. Bach. It was composed in 1679 in response to the plague of
Vienna, which claimed thousands of victims including the composer's wife; with eight sets of organ versets to be played in alternation with sung verses of the Magnificat, Kerll assembled a work whose comprehensive mastery of technique anticipates The Well- Tempered Clavier.

Receiving its first complete recording, the
Modulatio organica occupies the last CD of this invaluable guide to the landscape of Austro-
German music in the generations before Bach.

Matteo Messori precedes it on CD1 with the 11 toccatas and 6 canzonas, which build on the legacy of Frescobaldi and his pupil Froberger to test the player's skill and imagination to the utmost. The main works on CD2 are a set of four brief keyboard suites which Matteo Messori plays on a pair of historically apt harpsichords. For the organ works such as the
Modulatio Organica, his chosen instrument is the colourful organ built by Johann Ignaz Egedacher in 1732 for the Pfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt of Vornbach am Inn in Germany.

Matteo Messori is one of the leading Baroque keyboard players of Europe; his previous recordings for Brilliant Classics (Kunst der Fuge, BC 94061 and
Clavierübung, BC 94201) have been awarded 5 star reviews in international classical magazines (Fono Forum: "...entered the top league of European
Bach interpreters"). His Schütz edition (BC 94361) is a recorded landmark for that still neglected master.

The extensive scholarly written liner notes in the booklet are by the artist himself.


1. Toccata prima
2. Toccata seconda
3. Toccata terza
4. Toccata quarta (cromatica con durezze e ligature)
5. Toccata quinta (tutta de salti)
6. Toccata sesta (per il pedale)
7. Toccata settima
8. Toccata ottava
9. Canzone prima
10. Canzone seconda
11. Canzone terza
12. Canzone quarta
13. Canzone quinta
14. Canzone sesta

1. Ciaccona
2. Passacaglia
3. Capriccio sopra il Cucu
4. Battaglia Suite in D
5. Allamande
6. Courante
7. Sarabande
8. Gigue Suite in F
9. Allamande
10. Courante
11. Sarabande
12. Gigue
Suite in A minor
13. Allamande - Partita
14. Courante - Partita
15. Sarabande - Partita
Suite in G
16. Allamande - Partita
17. Courante - Partita
18. Sarabande - Partita
19. Rycercata in Cylindrum phonotacticum transferenda

Modulatio organica super Magnificat octo Ecclesiaticis tonis respondens (1686)
1. Magnificat Primi Toni
2. Magnificat Secundi Toni
3. Magnificat Tertii Toni
4. Magnificat Quarti Toni
5. Magnificat Quinti Toni
6. Magnificat Sexti Toni
7. Magnificat Septimi Toni
8. Magnificat Octavi Toni