I'm Your Man

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I'm Your Man 

[ Madman Entertainment DVD / DVD ]

Release Date: Thursday 12 May 2022

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Rated: M - Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993M No Notes

Recently separated forty-something Alma is a research scientist and entirely dedicated to her work. Needing research funds, she's persuaded by her supervisor to participate in an extraordinary study: for three weeks she must live with a human-like robot designed solely to be her ideal companion. Thus, Alma is introduced to the unflappably upbeat Tom, a handsome A.I. creation who's programmed to adapt to her desires as they get to know each other, making him her perfect life partner. Though thoroughly disinterested in Tom and dismissive of the project overall, Alma discovers that life can take us in unexpected directions…

M Sex scenes, sexual references & offensive language

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