In These Times

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Makaya McCraven
In These Times

[ XL / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 23 September 2022

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In These Times is the new album by Chicago-based percussionist, composer, and producer Makaya McCraven.

Although this album is "new," the truth it's something that's been in process for a very long time, since shortly after he released his International Anthem debut In The Moment in 2015. Dedicated followers may note he's had 6 other releases in the meantime (including 2018's widely popular Universal Beings and 2020's We're New Again, his rework of Gil Scott-Heron's final album for XL Recordings); but none of which have been as definitive an expression of his artistic ethos as In These Times. This is the album McCraven's been trying to make since he started making records. And his patience, ambition, and persistence have yielded an appropriately career-defining body of work.

As epic and expansive as it is impressively potent and concise, the 11-song suite was created over 7+ years, as McCraven strived to design a highly personal but broadly communicable fusion of odd-meter original compositions from his working songbook with orchestral, large ensemble arrangements and the edit-heavy "organic beat music" that he's honed over a growing body of production-craft.

With contributions from over a dozen musicians and creative partners from his tight-knit circle of collaborators - including Jeff Parker, Junius Paul, Brandee Younger, Joel Ross, and Marquis Hill - the music was recorded in 5 different studios and 4 live performance spaces while McCraven engaged in extensive post-production work from home.


1. The Fours
2. High Fives
3. Dream Another
4. Lullaby
5. This Place That Place
6. The Calling
7. Seventh String
8. So Ubuji
9. The Knew Untitled
10. The Title

Dream Another