Il Boemo {soundtrack)

Il Boemo {soundtrack) cover
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Il Boemo {soundtrack)
Emőke Baráth (soprano), Philippe Jaroussky (countertenor), Sophie Harmsen (mezzo-soprano), Simona Šaturová (soprano) / Collegium 1704, Václav Luks

[ Erato / CD ]

Release Date: Saturday 25 March 2017

Countertenor Philippe Jaroussky and soprano Emőke Baráth appear on the soundtrack of a 2022 film by the award-winning Czech director Petr Václav. Called Il Boemo (The Bohemian), it tells the story of the Prague-born composer Josef Mysliveček (1737-1781). He became a major figure on Europe's operatic scene, achieving particular renown in Venice, Naples and Munich and composing more than two dozen operas in all. Mysliveček is also notable for being a friend and colleague of Mozart, whom he first met in Bologna in 1770. Both Philippe Jaroussky and Emőke Baráth make on-screen appearances - as operatic performers - in Il Boemo. Václav Luks conducts Collegium 1704, the period-instrument ensemble he founded in Prague in 2005.


Ezio: Overture

"Sarete al fin contenti" (Cleonice)
"Mi parea del porto in seno" (Cleonice)

"Con questo ferro" (Licida)
"Gemo in un punto e fremo" (Licida)

Non sò se il mio peccato (from Adamo ed Eva)

Pria ch'io perda (from Il Bellerofonte)

Mentre dormi (from Olimpiade)

Sperai vicino il lido (from Il Demofoonte)

Che non mi disse (L'Olimpiade)

Palesar vorrei col pianto (from Il Bellerofonte)

Nacqui agli affani in seno (from Demetrio)

Il caro mio bene (from Armida)

Deh in vita ti serba (from Romolo ed Ersilia)

"Misero me, che veggo! " (Megacle)
"Intese tutto Aristea?" (Licida, Megacle)
"Se cerca se dice" (Megacle)

Il Bellerofonte: Overture

Odo il suono (from Il Demofoonte)

Finchè un Zeffiro soave (from Ezio)

Siam navi (from L'Olimpiade)