[ Studio Ghibli / Madman Entertainment Blu-Ray & DVD / 2 Blu-ray Disc/DVD ]
Release Date: Thursday 12 October 2023
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A special 35th Anniversary Limited Edition.
Two young girls, Satsuki and Mei, have moved with their father into a new home in the country, while their mother recovers from illness in a nearby hospital. To their surprise, they soon discover that they share this home with some rather unusual creatures and even stranger neighbours - forest guardians that the girls dub Totoro. When trouble occurs, their new friends will help them rediscover hope.
Special Features:
Limited Edition Stickers
Creating My Neighbor Totoro
Creating the Characters
The Totoro Experience
Producer's Perspective: Creating Ghibli
The Locations of Totoro
Scoring Miyazaki
Behind the Microphone
Textless Opening
Textless Closing
Original Japanese Theatrical Trailers
Studio Ghibli Collection Trailers