Suggestions: 12 Concerti Grossi after Geminiani

Items related to 12 Concerti Grossi after Geminiani

Since you are interested in 12 Concerti Grossi after Geminiani, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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Unheard Mozart - two new sonatas & other unfinished works for piano solo cover
add to cart $32.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Unheard Mozart - two new sonatas & other unfinished works for piano solo
Andrew Goldstone (piano)
[ Divine Art / CD - released 20/Oct/2008 ]
"Pianist Anthony Goldstone has done a sterling job in realising, reconstructing and completing these fragments, as well as performing them with great musical sensitivity." (BBC Music Instrumental Choice, October 2007)
12 Concerti Grossi op 9 & 6 Concerti Grossi op 10 cover
add to cart $32.00 Out of Stock
2-6 weeks
12 Concerti Grossi op 9 & 6 Concerti Grossi op 10
The Avison Ensemble / Pavlo Beznosiuk
[ Divine Art / 2 CD - released 1/Nov/2008 ]
"Avison's Opus 9 and Opus 10 'Concerti Grossi' are sweetly melodic, succinct and conservative. Led by Pavlo Beznosuik, the ensemble does its composer proud in a stylish series of sturdy allegros, graceful largos and delicate, attractive arias." -...
Garth: Six Concertos for the Violoncello cover
add to cart $35.00 Out of Stock
2-6 weeks
Garth: Six Concertos for the Violoncello
The Avison Ensemble / Richard Tunnicliffe (cello)
[ Divine Art / 2 CD - released 1/Nov/2008 ]
"The concertos are beautifully played by Richard Tunnicliffe, very stylishly accompanied by a one-to-a-part group - for which three cheers! I strongly recommend these highly enjoyable discs." (Early Music News)
The Far Country: 26 English Songs cover
add to cart $31.00 Out of Stock
2-6 weeks
The Far Country: 26 English Songs
James Gilchrist (tenor) Anna Tilbrook (piano)
[ Divine Art / CD - released 20/Jun/2008 ]
"This is music for a quiet evening - in contemplation of some of the less complex emotions aroused by things fine and beautiful - all beautifully sung by James Gilchrist with Anna Tilbrook accompanying." - Colin Scott-Sutherland (MusicWeb)
The Monckton Album (songs from 'The Cingalee', 'The Arcadians' & 'The Quaker Girl') cover
add to cart $26.00 Out of Stock
2-6 weeks
The Monckton Album (songs from 'The Cingalee', 'The Arcadians' & 'The Quaker Girl')
Soloists, chorus & orchestra of the Tehatre Bel-Etage
[ Diversions / CD - released 20/Jun/2008 ]
"This recording is a worthwhile collector's item… This genre is so much a part of Britain's heritage… a distinctive charm that should not be underestimated. This is an enjoyable and well recorded disc." (MusicWeb)
The Rosslyn Motet / Songs of the Chartres Labyrinth cover
add to cart $32.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
The Rosslyn Motet / Songs of the Chartres Labyrinth
The Tallis Chamber Choir / The Chartres Singers / Instrumental Ensemble
[ Diversions / CD - released 20/Jun/2008 ]
"A hauntingly beautiful composition… the music literally shines from the recording. This is music to listen to again and again. Music that resonates within the chambers of the body, a healing balm to body, mind and soul." -(Caduceus)
24 Preludes Op 37 (with Bliss - Piano Sonata) cover
add to cart $31.00 Out of Stock
2-6 weeks
24 Preludes Op 37 (with Bliss - Piano Sonata)
Trevor Barnard (piano)
[ Divine Art / CD - released 20/Jun/2008 ]
"The sympathetically elegant Trevor Barnard's your man…… this is indispensable, and you are best advised to pick it up sooner… Sound is transparently immediate".- Fanfare (USA)