Suggestions: Divertimento in E flat major

Items related to Divertimento in E flat major

Since you are interested in Divertimento in E flat major, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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String Trio / sonata for Two Violins / Cello Sonata cover
add to cart $25.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Eugene YSAYE
String Trio / sonata for Two Violins / Cello Sonata
Henning Kraggerud (violin) Bard Monsen (violin) Lasrs Anders Tomter (viola) Ole-Eirik Ree (cello)
[ Naxos / CD - released 20/Feb/2010 ]
While Ysaÿe's Six Solo Violin Sonatas remain his best known works, the Belgian virtuoso also composed other pieces which translate his thorough knowledge of the violin's capabilities into thrilling music.
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47 / Sinding: Violin Concerto No. 1 in A major, Op. 45 cover
add to cart $25.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47 / Sinding: Violin Concerto No. 1 in A major, Op. 45
Henning Kraggerud (violin) Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Bjarte Engeset, conductor
[ Naxos / CD - released 30/Oct/2004 ]
The Finnish composer Jean Sibelius was born in 1865, the son of a doctor, in a small town in the south of Finland, the language and culture of his family being Swedish. It was at school that he was to learn Finnish and acquire his first interest in...
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47 / Sinding: Violin Concerto No. 1 in A major, Op. 45 cover
add to cart $28.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47 / Sinding: Violin Concerto No. 1 in A major, Op. 45
Henning Kraggerud (violin) / Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra / Bjarte Engeset, conductor
[ Naxos SACD / SACD - released 26/Aug/2005 ]
"Here's a well-balanced Finno-Norwegian disc that presents a major concerto leavened by a shorter work for violin and orchestra." MusicWeb
Violin and Piano Music Vol 1: Suite in altem Stile, Op. 10 / Waltzes, Op. 59 cover
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2-4 weeks
Violin and Piano Music Vol 1: Suite in altem Stile, Op. 10 / Waltzes, Op. 59
Henning Kraggerud (violin) / Christian Ihle Hadland (piano)
[ Naxos / CD - released 1/Oct/2009 ]
Remembered today for his piano favourite The Rustle of Spring, Christian Sinding ranked second only to Grieg in his homeland and was honoured abroad, composing a wealth of immediately appealing and well-crafted Romantic music including the works for...
Violin and Piano Music Vol 2: Sonata im altem Stile, Op. 99 / Romances / Waltzes cover
add to cart $25.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Violin and Piano Music Vol 2: Sonata im altem Stile, Op. 99 / Romances / Waltzes
Henning Kraggerud (violin) / Christian Ihle Hadland (piano)
[ Naxos / CD - released 1/Jan/2010 ]
Norwegian violinist Henning Kraggerud is one of Scandinavia's most sought after artists; Christian Ihle Hadland one of Norway's most exciting young pianists. Together they comprise a formidable partnership, as their release of Sinding's Violin and...
Concertos for Two Violins Nos. 1 and 2 cover
add to cart $25.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Concertos for Two Violins Nos. 1 and 2
Oyvind Bjora (violin) / Henning Kraggerud (violin) / Barratt Due Chamber Orchestra / Oslo Camerata / Stephan Barratt-Due
[ Naxos / CD - released 1/Mar/2010 ]
Louis Spohr's life-long artistic commitment to elegance, sturdy workmanship and emotional reticence has burdened him with a reputation as a nostalgic conservative. Yet his melodic mastery, delicately poised Classical sensibility and advanced...