Suggestions: Sibelius: Luonnotar, Tapiola, etc

Items related to Sibelius: Luonnotar, Tapiola, etc

Since you are interested in Sibelius: Luonnotar, Tapiola, etc, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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Mozart Momentum - 1785 cover
add to cart $35.00 In Stock
Mozart Momentum - 1785
Leif Ove Andsnes (piano), Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Matthew Truscott (violin), Joel Hunter (viola), Frank-Michael Guthmann (cello)
[ Sony Classical / 2 CD - released 28/May/2021 ]
'Socially distanced they may have been but the camaraderie that was so evident in their groundbreaking Beethoven cycle with Leif Ove Andsnes is, if anything, even more apparent here.' Gramophone Recording of the Month June 2021
Ravel: La Valse / Mussorgsky (orch. Ravel): Les Tableaux d'une exposition [Pictures at an Exhibition] cover
add to cart $35.00 Low Stock
Ravel: La Valse / Mussorgsky (orch. Ravel): Les Tableaux d'une exposition [Pictures at an Exhibition]
Les Siècles, François-Xavier Roth
[ Harmonia Mundi / CD - released 1/May/2020 ]
Toscanini regarded this orchestration of Pictures at an Exhibition as a genuine treatise on instrumentation, on a par with that of Berlioz: scored for the same instrumental forces as La Valse, Ravel's version quickly established itself ahead of all...