Search Results: brilliant classics new

Displaying items 761 to 780 of 1218

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Pinto: Sonatas for Piano and Violin cover
add to cart $20.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Pinto: Sonatas for Piano and Violin
Marek Toporowski (fortepiano), Robert Bachara (violin)
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 22/Jan/2021 ]
The only available recording on fortepiano of violin and piano sonatas by an 'English Mozart'.
Ries: 3 Violin Sonatas cover
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2-4 weeks
Ries: 3 Violin Sonatas
Marek Toporowski (fortepiano), Robert Bachara (violin)
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 11/Mar/2022 ]
Ferdinand Ries was without doubt one of the most prolific composers and most significant figures in the musical life of the early to mid-19th century. In our time, he is known above all as one of Beethoven's few students, and though we cannot be sure...
Mandolin Sonatas cover
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2-4 weeks
Mandolin Sonatas
Mari Fé Pavón (baroque mandolin) with Manuel Muñoz (guitar) Jean-Christophe Leclère (harpsichord) / Artemandoline
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 10/Sep/2013 ]
In Domenico Scarlatti's vast output of 555 keyboard sonatas, there are a small number of works that are especially interesting to musicologists because of characteristics such as figured bass, three- or four-movement structure, and distinctive...
Tosti: The song of a life, Complete Vocal Chamber Music, Vol 4; cover
add to cart $36.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Tosti: The song of a life, Complete Vocal Chamber Music, Vol 4;
Maria Bagalà (soprano), Glenn Morton (piano), John Viscardi (baritone), Donata D'Annunzio Lombardi (soprano), Isabella Crisante (piano), etc
[ Brilliant Classics / 5 CD Box Set - released 14/Feb/2020 ]
"this is a great tribute to the legacy of the greatest composer of Italian is an invaluable treat to have them collected - I doubt there will ever be a similar project again - and at Brilliant Classics's give-away price." MusicWeb
Lucia di Lammermoor (Complete opera) [Recorded 1953] cover
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2-4 weeks
Lucia di Lammermoor (Complete opera) [Recorded 1953]
Maria Callas / Giuseppe Di Stefano / Tito Gobbi / Raffaele Arie / Coro e Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino / Tullio Serafin
[ EMI Classics / Brilliant Classics Opera Collection / 2 CD - released 20/Feb/2010 ]
'Here is certainly some of the finest singing of our time, and there is one moment in the repeat of Spargi d'amaro when the voice is recorded with all the actuality of 3-dimensional sound. It is startling.' Gramophone 1954
Ottone in Villa (complete opera) cover
add to cart $25.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Ottone in Villa (complete opera)
Maria Laura Martorana, Tuva Semmingsen, Florin Cezar Ouatu / L’Arte dell’Arco (on period instruments), Frederico Guglielmo
[ Brilliant Classics / 2 CD Box Set - released 10/Nov/2010 ]
"This edition of Vivaldi's Ottone in Villa, by the - in this particular case - adroitly named Brilliant label, is truly excellent. It's one of those rare CDs where everything is in the right place." (MusicWeb Bargain of the Month Feb 2011)
Offenbach: Mélodies cover
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2-4 weeks
Offenbach: Mélodies
Mariam Sarkissian (mezzo-soprano), Fanny Crouet (soprano), Daniel Propper (piano)
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 26/Jan/2018 ]
Jacques Offenbach (1819‐1880) goes into history as the supreme French entertainer, having written more than 100 operas and operettas brimming with satire, wit, charm and elegance, his (in)famous Can‐Can is one of the most catchy and best‐known...
Complete Piano Music cover
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2-4 weeks
Complete Piano Music
Mariangela Vacatello (piano)
[ Brilliant Classics / 2 CD - released 1/Nov/2015 ]
This CD contains the complete piano music by Alberto Ginastera, one of the most important composers of 20th century Argentina. His piano works brim with Latin-American passion: brutal, sensual, evocative, sentimental, always filled with the...
Bozza: Complete Works for Solo Flute cover
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2-4 weeks
Bozza: Complete Works for Solo Flute
Marieke Schneemann (flute)
[ Brilliant Classics / 2 CD - released 22/Jun/2018 ]
First recording: the complete works for flute solo by Bozza! • Eugène Bozza lived from 1905-1991. Born in Nice, he studied at the Paris Conservatoire and did brilliantly in violin, conducting and composition. Bozza lived through most of the 20th...
Menotti: The Medium / The Telephone (complete operas) cover
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2-4 weeks
Menotti: The Medium / The Telephone (complete operas)
Marily Santoro, Julija Samsonova, Elizabeth Hertzberg (sops), Chiara Isotton (soprano), Lorenzo Grante (bass-baritone) / Orchestra Filarmonica Italian
[ Brilliant Classics / 2 CD - released 1/Nov/2018 ]
A major new, native recording of a sparkling operatic double-bill. After Amelia goes to the ball was staged in 1937 at the Metropolitan Opera with acclaim, Gian Carlo Menotti became hot property. Two further radio operas were comparative failures but...
Mélodies: Chopin Mazurkas and other Songs cover
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2-4 weeks
Mélodies: Chopin Mazurkas and other Songs
Marina Comparato (mezzo soprano) & Elisa Triulzi (fortepiano)
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 1/Jun/2014 ]
"This is a most welcome release." (MusicWeb Oct 2014)
Complete Music for Lute cover
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2-4 weeks
Complete Music for Lute
Mario D'Agosto (13‐course baroque lute by Ivo Magherini)
[ Brilliant Classics / 2 CD - released 1/Nov/2013 ]
No more than a handful of pieces represent the entire musical heritage for baroque lute by Johann Sebastian Bach - not a lot when we consider the enormity of the composer's total output. Although it is not known whether Bach himself played the...
Flute Concertos Op 10 cover
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2-4 weeks
Flute Concertos Op 10
Mario Folena (flute) & Federico Guglielmo (violin and concert master) / L'Arte dell'Arco
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 20/Aug/2015 ]
Vivaldi's six Concertos for flute Op.10 nearly attain the same popularity as the Four Seasons. Published in Amsterdam in 1728, they contain some of Vivaldi's most famous concertos: Il Gardellino, La Notte and the Tempesta di Mare. Music of wonderful...
Music for Violin and Piano cover
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2-4 weeks
Music for Violin and Piano
Maristella Patuzzi (violin) & Mario Patuzzi (piano)
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 10/Feb/2015 ]
Ernest Bloch (1880‐1959) was trained as a violinist, taking lessons from the great Eugene Ysaye in Brussels. Under the threat of the Nazi regime he took refuge to the USA, where he stayed the rest of his life. Here he became famous , one of the first...
Music for Violin and Piano cover
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2-4 weeks
Music for Violin and Piano
Maristella Patuzzi (violin) & Mario Patuzzi (piano)
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 26/Feb/2016 ]
Here are Swiss radio recordings of native performers, a father-daughter duo, of lyrical, high-flown chamber music by one of the country's foremost composers, now less known than his contemporary Arthur Honegger but hardly less gifted. Schoeck's...
Lieder cover
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2-4 weeks
Mariví Blasco (soprano), Yago Mahúgo (fortepiano) Ímpetus Madrid Baroque Ensemble
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 5/May/2017 ]
This CD contains a selection of Geistliche Oden und Lieder (sacred songs) by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, the most talented son of the great Johann Sebastian. By the end of the 18th century the Lied took its now familiar form: a strophic setting of...
Bach, J.S. - Sonatas and Partitas for Violin BWV 1001 - 1006 (Rec 1987) cover
add to cart $21.59 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Bach, J.S. - Sonatas and Partitas for Violin BWV 1001 - 1006 (Rec 1987)
Mark Lubotsky (violin)
[ Brilliant Classics / 2 CD - released 14/Aug/2005 ]
"Lubotsky, a player in the strong, Russian romantic tradition, brings some considerable reserves of drama and incision to this repertoire as well as a feeling for extremely expressive slow movements." (MusicWeb Nov 2004)
Albanian Piano music cover
add to cart $37.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
Albanian Piano music
Marsida Koni (piano)
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 1/Sep/2018 ]
"Marsida Koni appears to be the ideal exponent for this music, equally at home in the nostalgic and romantic numbers, never reducing anything to mere sentimental schmaltz, and with a technique able to despatch those passages of Lisztian virtuosity"
The Virtuoso Trumpet (Incls concertos by Haydn, Hummel & Telemann) cover
add to cart $22.50 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
La Susanna cover
add to cart $25.00 Out of Stock
2-4 weeks
La Susanna
Martin Oro (narrator), Gemma Bertagnolli, Sergio Foresti, Mirko Guadagnini & Isabel Alvarez / Harmonices Mundi, Claudio Astronio
[ Brilliant Classics / CD - released 10/Feb/2013 ]
"Astronio's capable performance will reward anyone interested in the development of Italian oratorio between Carissimi and Handel." (Gramophone)