Suggestions: Bach: St John Passion

Items related to Bach: St John Passion

Since you are interested in Bach: St John Passion, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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Six Evolutions - Bach: Cello Suites (2017 recording) cover
add to cart $35.00 In Stock
Six Evolutions - Bach: Cello Suites (2017 recording)
Yo Yo Ma (cello)
[ Sony Classical / 2 CD - released 5/Sep/2018 ]
"I don't think he has ever made a greater recording and his personal booklet notes help provide a conceptual setting for his playing." Gramophone Editor's Choice Awards Issue 2018
J.S. Bach: St Matthew Passion cover
add to cart $75.00 Low Stock
J.S. Bach: St Matthew Passion
Benjamin Bruns, Christian Immler, Carolyn Sampson, Damien Guillon, etc / Bach Collegium Japan chorus & orchestra / Masaaki Suzuki
[ BIS SACD / 2 Hybrid SACD - released 7/Feb/2020 ]
"The musicians convey it with infectious zeal...Generic early music politesse is relegated to the shadows" Gramophone Awards 2020 WINNER - Choral